Extending Chinese Culinary Traditions Overseas, Highlighting Chongqing Hot Pot | NPC Deputy

日期:2024年03月01日 来源:重庆国际传播中心

Chongqing - Capitalizing on unique agricultural products and cultural heritage is central to rural revitalization strategies in Chongqing. Yan Qi, a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) and chairwoman of the Chongqing Taoranju Group, leads the charge in these initiatives.


Chongqing Taoranju Group has established itself as one of the top ten restaurants out of the top 100 in Chongqing, maintaining its reputation for years while continuously evolving to cater to the tastes of the mountain city. The restaurant is known for its memorable dining experiences, such as the pork ribs with lotus sticky rice.



Yan Qi is a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) and chairman of the Chongqing Taoranju Group. (Photo/Chen Yingzhu)


During last year's National Two Sessions, she submitted a motion to expand agricultural product sales channels and emphasized the importance of leading companies in the catering industry. 


Over the past year, guided by Yan's direction, the group committed 300 million yuan ($41.69 million) to create the Taoranju 5G full industry chain quick-service restaurant research and development and production base. This initiative, a collaborative effort with Japan's Lawson Company, is situated in the Western (Chongqing) Science City.


Upon becoming operational, the facility is anticipated to yield an annual output of 90 million servings of fast-food products. This array of products includes lunch boxes, sushi, rice balls, and Chinese pastries, with the projected revenue from these offerings expected to reach approximately 800 million yuan.


A large fraction of the ingredients for these items will come from over 30 direct sourcing bases established by Yan in various districts and counties throughout Chongqing.



Yan Qi, a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) and chairman of the Chongqing Taoranju Group, conducted research and discussed with villagers. (Photo/Yan Qi)


Further advancing hot pot's global promotion

As China's global influence expands, the significance of showcasing its culture, particularly its culinary traditions, has become increasingly evident. Yan's research revealed a robust international appetite for Chinese food, with Chongqing's iconic hot pot as a particular favorite among foreigners.


Chongqing hot pot, a testament to Chinese culinary prowess, has gained international acclaim, with over 130 restaurants across more than 20 countries, including the US, UK, and Japan.


Yan is committed to further global promotion of hot pot cuisine and intends to prioritize this initiative during this year's Two Sessions.


Yan's ambition extends beyond showcasing Chongqing's dishes; she is fervently working towards promoting Chinese culinary culture at large. Her motion for this year emphasizes bolstering the catering sector, enhancing the visibility of Chinese culinary traditions, and supporting the creation of community dining halls.
