Chongqing NPC Delegation Present Ambitions in Renewed Open Format

日期:2024年03月06日 来源:重庆国际传播中心

Beijing- The deputies to the second session of the 14th National People's Congress from Chongqing held an open event in Beijing, on March 5, 2024, where they deliberated the Government Work Report and answered questions from reporters in an open media event format, the first to have taken place since 2019. 


As a result, the proceedings attracted 186 journalists from 112 foreign and domestic media organizations, who were eager to learn more about the swift development of Chongqing in multiple sectors and ask questions live to deputies about their particular areas of interest.


The delegation has prepared three joint proposals. Among these, two are regarding comprehensively enhancing the shipping capacity of the upper Yangtze River (to be proposed jointly with the Sichuan delegation) and improving the comprehensive service capability of the new western land-sea corridor. As of the evening of the 4th, the delegation has collected one motion and 103 suggestions, covering education, healthcare, and technological innovation.


To enhance the understanding of Chongqing’s development situation among reporters, the delegation prepared a series of background materials to provide an overview of the municipality, newsworthy information, brief profiles of the 58 deputies, and a list of their suggestions. 



58 delegates from Chongqing deliberated the Government Work Report before taking live questions from reporters in an open format at the 14th NPC in Beijing (Photograph/James Alexander)


Chen Yang, a reporter from the China Media Group (CMG), was particularly interested in the economic statistics of Chongqing in the year 2023, and the latest developments in the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle. In this respect, the materials helped to direct questions most effectively and identify delegates they wish to follow up.


"I gained a more comprehensive understanding of the political, economic, social and historical development of Chongqing from the information provided, while the photograph booklet left me amazed at the beautiful cityscape.” Explained Chen.


Chongqing leads the digital future


On the construction of a new modernized Chongqing, journalists posed questions concerning the development of the Chengdu-Chongqing region, the Western Land-Sea Trade Corridors, new production trends, and deepened reforms. In response, chief delegates including Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary and Mayor Hu Henghua, and leading figures in industry and commerce were present to report the latest situation.


Chongqing has become a stronghold for manufacturing in recent decades, and now plays a vital role in the pursuit of high-quality development nationwide. During the open question and answer session, Secretary Yuan Jiajun noted that innovation, quality and productivity are essential to further success, as the city already possesses the advantages of having a strong industrial foundation, comprehensive transport infrastructure, fine ecological environment, and integrated rural-urban development.


“We plan to actively construct the 416 strategic layouts in science and technology innovation, follow through in new attraction plans for talent, promote the construction of national key laboratories and centers for technological innovation, and seek breakthroughs in digital intelligence, health and wellbeing, new materials, and green low-carbon technologies.” Yuan detailed.


High-level opening to the outside will give full play to Chongqing as a national logistics hub, and promote synergistic connections for the Western Land-Sea Trade Corridor, China-Europe Railway Express, and the Golden Yangtze River Waterway, to better integrate into the global industrial system.


NPC deputy Chen Wei, also Vice Chairman of the Chongqing Federation of Industry and Commerce (CFIC), stated that private enterprises in the digital field have displayed two main characteristics, namely strengthened innovation and greater flexibility.


“Core digital construction is based on mega-city governance, allowing us to explore new paths in urban management and industrial upgrades, which in turn has created a strong platform for the benefit of private enterprises concerned with technical innovation," Chen commented.



Detailed materials were prepared in advance for media workers, which provided key background information on Chongqing and the profiles of delegates (Photograph/James Alexander)


To Set Goal of GDP 4 Trillion by 2027


In response to a reporter’s question concerning the significance of Chongqing breaking through the 3 trillion GDP level, Mayor Hu Henghua stated the city is well positioned to reach the goal of 4 trillion by the 30th anniversary of Chongqing Municipality in 2027, and the focus will be placed in key areas to achieve this objective.


Efforts will be strengthened to bolster domestic demand, foster new types of consumption, and promote virtuous investment cycles such as trading in old products for new ones, and formulating a new model for real estate development.


The advanced manufacturing industry will be further developed and expanded through digital transformation, and new rounds of technological reform projects for industrial enterprises. The function of corridor hubs will be enhanced over a five-year action plan to accelerate construction in the Western Land-Sea Trad Corridor, which can bring the linkage effect between corridors, economy, trade and industry to fruition.


Finally, employment and income generation opportunities will be promoted, as Chongqing builds an innovation ecosystem around university and industrial incubators. The city will also further develop modern service industries, and improve the living environment better to meet the needs for high-quality employment among youth.


Land-Sea Corridor Extends Openness


The 20th CPC National Congress proposed to accelerate the construction of new land and sea corridors in the west, an endeavor for which Chongqing shoulders great responsibility as a strategically positioned logistics and operations hub in Southwest China.


Chen Mingbo, a Standing Committee Member of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, commented that Chongqing has achieved remarkable results in the construction of the Western Land-Sea Trade Corridor, with cumulative figures of 598,000 TEUs worth hundreds of billions of yuan, and rail-sea multimodal transport accounting for 30% of total shipments on the route.


Automobiles, electronics, and other trade commodities have become the main force of exports, while trade volumes between Chongqing and ASEAN through the trade corridor have increased by a factor of 38 times in comparison with the year 2017.


Further suggestions included more high-level joint construction for the Western Land-Sea Trade Corridor, such as enhanced coordination mechanisms at the national level, additional support for major infrastructure projects, as well as improved financial policy.



186 Chinese and foreign journalists packed the venue in Beijing to hear the deliberations of the Chongqing delegation and ask their questions in an open format (Photograph/James Alexander)


Chongqing achieves wide popularity


Noriaki Tomisaka, China General Bureau Chief of TV Asahi Corporation, rolled off several keywords that caught his attention during the open group meeting, particularly those of science and technology innovation, research and development, new energy vehicles, secure development, certainty and confidence.


"It's been a long time since the last opportunity to attend an open group meeting came around, and today is the first occasion for me." Commented Tomisaka, a Japanese national who lives in Beijing for work, and has many years experience in covering the Two Sessions. Before the meeting, he grew deeply interested in the development of Chongqing thanks to the materials provided by delegates.


He explained to fellow reporters that he previously visited Chongqing in 2016 and feels that Chongqing is a special and captivating metropolis. In the current economic situation, it is developing at a fantastic pace and has become an extremely popular city for enterprise and tourism.


The venue exudes an open atmosphere


Dong Wenwu, a reporter from Hong Kong Commercial Daily, was mainly focused on proposals to expand high-level opening up to the outside world, detailed in the government work report. He has already conducted interviews with the Chongqing delegation and learned about the fruitful achievements made in the construction of the Western Land-Sea Trade corridor, and operations of the China-Europe Railway Express.


"I came mainly to find out what new development space exists for economic and trade cooperation between Hong Kong and Chongqing,” Dong explained. When he stepped into the meeting hall, his immediate reaction was the strong atmosphere of openness, upon seeing the sheer number of foreign and Chinese media gathered together.



Secretary Yuan Jiajun (Second from left) of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee led the Chongqing delegation at the 14th NPC in Beijing, and answered reporter's questions live at the event. (Photograph/James Alexander)


New plans to visit Chongqing


British reporter Nathan Williams from China Daily is now in his second year of covering the Two Sessions, and today marked the first time for him to participate in the open delegation format, which has motivated him to plan a visit to Chongqing in April this year.


"It's clear that Chongqing has very ambitious programs for innovation over the year ahead. I think the city understands the challenges, and has formulated the strategy to help drive innovation and boost the economy." Williams described following the event.


Williams learned much information from the open group meeting, and was particularly interested in the topic of high-quality development. He believes this constitutes an important factor in driving the economy, while cultural tourism is an area Chongqing should prioritize for its significant contribution in this respect. 
